Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long time no updates...

I am back from rehab for a while now and I did not post anything here because I did not feel like programming for a while.

But I am back on Valgards Fate since some weeks now and I must admit that there are big problems with the new Zune firmware 3.0 and XNA Game Studio 3.0 Beta update.

All my games just needed 2 line in the project files to be changed to run again. But not Valgards Fate. Somehow the new GS version restricted memory acces a bit more which is why Valgards Fate did not run on the Zune immediately.

I've been trying for some time to get around the problem and I think I am successful now. I needed to redo some parts and add some more parts to my level editor (which is now a tile editor, too) to get around the memory limitations.

Well, this was a lot of work without any visual effect to the game. After I found a solution for the problem I started to redo the user interface which looks like this now:

Hope you like it.

I am currently working on the promised Demo version again.